Saturday, 27 September 2014

Edited photos from final piece photo shoot

The photo on the left nicely follows one of the sketches I did for my ideas and intentions entry. I liked the gradient of colours in the hair and after editing, I was even more pleased because the shadows and darker areas which I darkened further with the burn tool really brought out the contrasting lightness which I highlighted with the dodge tool. One of the things I don't like about this photo is how the nose is out of focus. It looks a lot like an accident and decreases my like for the photo. I probably will not take this piece any further.

I was pleased with the quality of these photos and the similarity of positions. My idea is to merge the two faces together and to do that the faces need to be at similar angles and proportions so I chose these two. No only that but the fact that they are looking down makes it slightly more interesting than a straight forward portrait, in my opinion. The colours do look quite bland though so I chose to edit them quite a lot by altering the temperature, to make them a little bit colder but when put together with the increase in contrast you can really see the red in the skin which makes the photos look quite raw yet enriched with colour without having a crazy hue. I am pleased with these photos, even though they're quite simple they do show aspects of rule of thirds and look quite interesting. I'm going to use these two photos to create my final piece.

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